RFID Channels Container tracking

Efficient Logistics with RFID UHF Container Tracking

UHF Container Tracking System: Positive identification, efficient logisticsRental containers are the ideal solution whenever additional space is required for a limited amount of time. It is often difficult, if not impossible, to rent office or residential space for short periods of time or at short notice. Rental containers also provide greater flexibility than conventional leased premises because they can easily be moved wherever they are needed.


Statoil Awards Identec a Frame Contract for Cargo-Carrying Unit Tracking and Tracing

Statoil has signed a frame contract with Identec to deploy and maintain Watcher CCU at 7 Statoil supply bases.CCU (Cargo-Carrying Unit) tracking and tracing has been a widely acknowledged problem for the oil and gas industry.  Lost or misplaced CCU's cost the industry untold millions of EUR's in efficiency and productivity losses.  Identec has launched an RFID-based CCU solution called "Watcher CCU" to solve this problem.  Statoil has signed a frame contract with Identec to deploy and maintain Watcher CCU at 7 Statoil supply bases.


Total Terminal International Algeciras Deploys Real Time Locating System for Enhanced Container Operations in Algeciras

Total Terminal International Algeciras Deploys IDENTEC SOLUTIONS' Innovative New Real Time Locating System for Enhanced Container Operations in Algeciras, SpainIdentec Solutions, a company specialized in industrial active RFID and sensor based technology and solutions, announced that Total Terminal International Algeciras (TTI Algeciras),  the container terminal operator of Hanjin in Southern Spain, has gone live with an innovative new Real Time Locating System from Identec Solutions, for the tracking and control of containers.

TTI Algeciras is the first semi-automatic terminal in the Mediterranean area and was built with the intention of handling the latest as well as the future requirements of container vessels. Identec Solutions, in partnership with Hi-Tech Solutions Europe (HTSE), deployed active RFID and GPS based technologies for a quay crane Real Time Locating System (RTLS) and automated transfer point management (TPM) system in the automated storage areas.


Wavetrend Wins Major Tracking Contract with Australia's Townley Group

Wavetrend Wins Major Tracking Contract For International Container Monitoring and Security With Australia's Townley GroupWavetrend, a specialist for the deployment of active RFID and GPS tracking solutions, announced today that it was awarded an exclusive contract to supply its active RFID, GPS and software solution for container management and high-value asset tracking application by Townley Group International, a leading project logistics freight forwarder in Australia.  This deployment is the first of a number of collaborative projects between the two companies. 

The contract required the real-time tracking of parts and components of an entire Australian Gold processing plant as it was transported by a number of shipping vessels from its original location in Cobar, Australia to a new location in San Juan, Argentina.


Total Terminal International Algeciras Chooses IDENTEC SOLUTIONS as RFID solution provider

Total Terminal International Algeciras Chooses IDENTEC SOLUTIONS as solution providerIDENTEC SOLUTIONS recently announced that its' industry-leading active RFID technology has been selected by Total Terminal International Algeciras (TTI ALGECIRAS) for deployment at the new Greenfield automated terminal in Algeciras, Spain.

IDENTEC SOLUTIONS, in conjunction with Hi-Tech Solutions Europe (HTSE) and ABB will provide the total solution and support systems, with a Terminal Operating System (TOS) as Master, called ATHOS, and developed by IT Korean Company Cyberlogitec Ltd.


German AutoID-News

Neuss, 15.05.2015 – Ziel: Ermöglichung einer benutzerfreundlichen mobilen Druckumgebung...
Neumünster, 12.08.2014 - inotec stellt Produktschutzlösung DIOSAFE vor 7,9...
Reinbek, 27.05.2015 - Laut AOK Krankenhaus Report 2014 sterben in deutschen...

German RFID-News

Oberhaching, 11.11.2015 - Originalitätsnachweis und Identitätsnachweis für persönliche Schutzausrüstung (PSA)...
München, 09.11.2015 - Giesecke & Devrient (G&D) liefert den Chip und...
Eindhoven, 06.11.2015 - NFC-Technologie ermöglicht Identifizierung von Originalprodukten und Nachverfolgbarkeit...

German NFC-News

Eindhoven, 30.10.2015 - NFC-Technologie ermöglicht Identifizierung von Originalprodukten und Nachverfolgbarkeit...
Kevelaer, 27.10.2015 - Mit standardisiertem PC/SC Interface LEGIC integrieren Sicherheit...
München, 21.08.2015 – Elatec RFID Systems erringt Innovationspreis-IT Die...



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