Order SMART Resources 2010

SMART Resources 2010SMART Resources in 2010 - Out Now!

The special issue "SMART Resources in 2010" has appeared on the 05.03.2011. The 100 pages strong magazine is available completely in German and English. The reference book serves as a source for decision-makers who would like to get a detailed insight into different areas of AutoID-/RFID applications.

What expects the reader?

In the first part of the publication neutrally problems and solutions are described. In the rear part the reader finds detailed vendor information of market participants of the AutoID-and RFID market. The Editorial and the contribution index are ready for download at the end of this page.

Order SMART Resources in 2010

With the provided form you can order the printed edition "SMART Resources 2010" via fax. Please send us the form to: +49-(0)511-7900-730 senden. During a week you will have it on your desk.

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German AutoID-News

Neuss, 15.05.2015 – Ziel: Ermöglichung einer benutzerfreundlichen mobilen Druckumgebung...
Neumünster, 12.08.2014 - inotec stellt Produktschutzlösung DIOSAFE vor 7,9...
Reinbek, 27.05.2015 - Laut AOK Krankenhaus Report 2014 sterben in deutschen...

German RFID-News

Oberhaching, 11.11.2015 - Originalitätsnachweis und Identitätsnachweis für persönliche Schutzausrüstung (PSA)...
München, 09.11.2015 - Giesecke & Devrient (G&D) liefert den Chip und...
Eindhoven, 06.11.2015 - NFC-Technologie ermöglicht Identifizierung von Originalprodukten und Nachverfolgbarkeit...

German NFC-News

Eindhoven, 30.10.2015 - NFC-Technologie ermöglicht Identifizierung von Originalprodukten und Nachverfolgbarkeit...
Kevelaer, 27.10.2015 - Mit standardisiertem PC/SC Interface LEGIC integrieren Sicherheit...
München, 21.08.2015 – Elatec RFID Systems erringt Innovationspreis-IT Die...



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